Inside the new admin directory, we need to create a file that has to be named base_site.html for the customization to work. Lets first rename the title of the admin portal from ‘Django


A Django application is a Python package that is specifically intended for use in a Django project. An application may use common Django conventions, such as having models, tests, urls, and views submodules. Later on we use the term packaging to describe the process of making a Python package easy for others to install.

lib/ python3.X/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/base_site.html  By extending admin/base_site.html, we get the look and feel of the Django admin “for free.” Figure 17-2 shows what the end result looks like. Screenshot of the  extends "admin/base_site.html" %}. {% load i18n admin_modify adminmedia %}. {% block extrahead %}{{ block.super }}.